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mardi 24 juin 2008
Le musée de Shanghai, une mine d'or, pour tout passionné de la Chine, de l'histoire, des anciennes civilisations... Un musée que je vais tenter de partager avec vous au travers de quelques articles. Le musée est très grand, je n'ai pas encore fini de le visiter; dans certaines pièces il est interdit de prendre des photos, donc le partage sera plus difficile... Bonne lecture. Je me remets un peu à l'anglais, et surtout je n'ai pas trop envie de traduire toutes les informations dont je dispose, pas trop le temps ^^ désolé pour les gens allergiques à l'anglais, regardez les images et posez des questions (pas techniques !! haha !)
~~INTRODUCTION~~ Dans la file d'attente...de beaux lions
~~PART ONE~~Ancient Chinese Sculpture
The Chinese sculptural art can be traced back to the prehistoric stone carving and pottery making. The large numbers of pottery and wooden funeral figurines of human beings and animals of Warring States period and Qin and Han dynasties exemplified the native Chinese sculptural art.
Along with the introduction of Buddhism in the turn of Western and Eastern Han dynasties (1st century), Buddhist sculpture developed quickly in China. It started with simple forms with a strong flavor of Indian Buddhist sculptures and became more expressive and nationalized in Northern Qi and Northern Zhou dynasties (550-581). The Tand sculptures (618-907) turned out very distinguished, such as polychrome glazed pottery figurines which vividly portrayed the social life of the time.
The Song statues (960-1279), mainly of painted clay and wood, were executed more realistically. However, Buddhist sculptures lost their vitality in the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties (1279-1911), when traditional Chinese crafts of decorative carving made remarkable achievements.Stone statue of Sakyamuni (Northern Qi Dynasty [550-577]), this statue of Buddha, Sakyamuni, sitting cross-legged on a round double-waisted and lotus-petal-designed stand, has a peaceful and kindly smiling facial expression. Behind his back is a nimbus decorated with designs of Buddha images, flames and floral sprays, which increases a mysterious atmosphere of the religion. The carving was very fluently executed.
(PS: Sakyamuni est le fondateur du bouddhisme)figures playing music...
standing female figure ~ dancing movement with one hand raising and the long sleeve over the shoulder.
le pti bonhomme ne fait pas trop sérieux je trouve...mais bon... il doit y avoir une explication
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